Meet Natasha Hawatmeh-Simon: WUMCRC’s Newest Community Development Intern

Natasha Hawatmeh-Simon, Washington University Medical Center Redevelopment Corporation’s newest intern, is currently working on completing her Master’s in Science (M.S.) in Urban Planning and Development with concentrations in Real Estate Development and Real Estate Finance. Natasha plans on completing her degree at Saint Louis University in the spring of 2017. After graduating Visitation Academy in 2009, Natasha completed her undergraduate degree in International Business and International Development at the George Washington University in Washington D.C.

As the newest community development intern Natasha’s responsibilities include creating developer profiles, working on the Euclid Inventory project, and tracking real estate sales, along with various other miscellaneous tasks.

When she is not working to make the community better, Natasha enjoys traveling, spending time with family, and exploring Saint Louis.










WUMCRC: “What are some advantages of working in FPSE?”

NATASHA: “There is something beautiful in taking one of the most historical districts in the Midwest region and help bringing it back to life. Where others see blight and distress, the courageous ones see opportunity. I like being among the courageous visionaries to help spearhead a new era of city life unlike any other.”

WUMCRC: “What do you enjoy most about living in St. Louis?”

NATASHA: “The history, the food, the culture, and the opportunity.”

WUMCRC: “If you could have one super power, what would it be and why?”

NATASHA: “Teleportation, I can be anywhere at any time.”

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